Master 2018, Kathleen Raasch
For this project, Kathleen Raasch investigated the question: “Do all designers have a synaesthetic form of perception?” The accompanying essay discusses and analyses this question, corresponding studies, and the results of Raasch’s related research. Raasch also created the website design-synaesthesie.de, which appeals to designers and aims to make the topic of synaesthesia tangible within the context of design. In addition to describing Raasch’s research project, this site serves as an archive and a source of inspiration – it features the forms and characteristics of 30 tones and 64 terms. It also serves as a space for continuous discourse. Raasch created a large-format book, Visual, which acts as a visual examination of the phenomenon of synaesthesia, exploring the interplay between information and images as well as that between association and intuition.