Master 2017, Avi Bohdot
Mediterranean Frequencies represents a year’s worth of work. This project consists of two parts: a documentary on the urban radio installation that Avi Bohdot built in the streets of Berlin’s Neukölln district in the summer of 2017, as well as four discussions with Berliners who recently moved to the city from North Kurdistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Israel/Palestine. The interviewees play music and discuss identity, immigration, and history. Bohdot says of his project: “Although I have lived in Israel for nearly my entire life, it is only in Neukölln that I have felt part of the Middle East. The everyday encounters with immigrants from Syria, Kurdistan, Morocco, and Lebanon that I experience here would never be able to take place in my native country – despite the fact that many Israelis are originally from these nations. Regional conflicts prevent the recognition of our common musical and cultural origins and exclude the possibility of intercultural dialog.”