
Summer 2018, Brennender Stoff.

Deutsche Mode jüdischer Konfektionäre vom Hausvogteiplatz

Supervisor: Wim Westerveld

A project in cooperation with the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Dr. Sigrid Jacobeit, Kristin Hahn). Exhibition at the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Students: Molly Rose Dyson, Luise Spielhagen, Uğur Zeynep Keskin, Christoffer Ejby, Tao Sui, Andrea Jimenez Quiroz

For this project, the weißensee students developed a concept for a traveling exhibition and installation about Hausvogteiplatz, which served as the center of Berlin’s textile industry until 1939, in cooperation with Dr. Sigrid Jacobeit, Kristin Hahn, and students from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This project highlighted the roots of Berlin’s clothing industry and its historical importance. The area around Hausvogteiplatz played a key role in this history, as this location once represented the heart of fashion in Berlin. The goal of the exhibition was to memorialize a past culture: The students asked themselves how they could convey a long-gone world and its lived realities, making them accessible to the public – on a small budget and using a flexible system that they could easily transport between locations.