Winter 2017/18, Plattform Weißensee
Students: Madalena Do Vale de Castro Anjos, Atefeh Javanmardi, Silvan Händeler
A large number of publications are created at the weißensee academy of art berlin each year. These are usually only shown at course presentations, the academy’s Open Days, and the Leipzig Book Fair. In fact, these works often fail to receive widespread within the academy itself. This quality content created by students deserves greater attention, as do the interesting theoretical texts written by the academy’s teachers on their own initiatives or within the scope of semester projects. The students involved in this project felt it would be expedient to create a platform for showcasing their peers’ and teachers’ work and offering it for sale. The Plattform Weißensee semester project was shaped by the students’ reflections on the ways in which they could make analog printed products as well as digital projects carried out at the academy more visible to the public. Moreover, the platform figuratively echoes the raised platform on the Weißensee Lake, another eye-catching construction.