Tender Lines. Marijke de Goey
Marijke de Goey is a renowned Dutch artist who designs jewelry, small objects, and large works of art for the public space. Her work is regularly exhibited in the Netherlands and abroad, and has won a number of awards. After I created a catalog and brochure for her in 2001 and 2012, she asked me in 2017 to design a new catalog of her work based on the same concept as that for our previous projects; namely, to present the genesis and processes behind her work, from the initial concepts to the final production. This time, we took a slightly different approach to producing the book; it was released as a hardcover. However, the layout principles for the interior design were largely the same. This publication incorporated more texts and more works, so I decided to utilize a denser concentration for the text fields and place a clearer focus on the large works by using more full-size photos.